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Soil Moisture Measurement with Satellite Remote Sensing

Writer's picture: GeofemGeofem

Effective soil moisture measurement is essential for infrastructure asset managers, including rail operators, tailings dam owners, and geotechnical engineers. Understanding soil moisture content helps mitigate risks related to ground stability, erosion, and asset integrity. Traditional methods of measuring soil moisture rely on in-situ sensors and ground-based observations, which, while accurate, can be labour-intensive, expensive, and limited in spatial coverage.

garden soil

Satellite remote sensing, particularly using technologies like Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), provides a scalable, cost-effective alternative to monitor soil moisture content over large areas with high temporal resolution.

The Role of Soil Moisture Measurement in Infrastructure Management

Soil moisture variations significantly influence ground conditions, impacting the stability of railways, roads, tailings storage facilities, and other critical infrastructure. Excess moisture can weaken soil structures, leading to subsidence, landslides, or even catastrophic failures. Conversely, prolonged dry conditions may cause shrinkage and cracking, further compromising structural integrity.


Accurate, frequent, and wide-scale soil moisture measurement is therefore crucial for asset managers seeking to prevent costly maintenance issues and ensure long-term operational safety.

Satellite Remote Sensing for Soil Moisture Content Analysis

Satellite-based techniques offer a remote, non-intrusive approach to soil moisture monitoring. These methods include passive microwave sensors, active radar sensors, and satellite-mounted Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technologies. Among these, SAR stands out for its ability to measure ground displacement with millimetre-level precision, along with soil moisture fluctuations.

soil moisture detection for rail
Soil moisture levels peaked consistently across satellite passes, demonstrating an area of poor drainage on the rail track (analysis by Geofem).

By analysing phase changes in radar signals captured over time, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) can detect subtle ground surface movements associated with moisture-induced swelling or subsidence.

Advantages of SAR for Soil Moisture Measurement

  1. Wide Coverage & High Resolution: SAR allows for consistent monitoring of vast geographical areas, including remote or inaccessible locations where ground-based sensors are impractical.

  2. Historical Data Analysis: With decades of archived satellite data, SAR enables long-term trend analysis of soil moisture variations, aiding predictive maintenance and risk assessment.

  3. Frequent Monitoring: Many modern radar satellites, such as Sentinel-1, provide revisit intervals of just a few days, ensuring timely detection of soil moisture changes.

  4. Integration with Geotechnical Knowledge: SAR-derived soil moisture measurement can be combined with geotechnical know-how to create comprehensive geohazard models and reports that add meaning to data.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to deploying and maintaining extensive ground sensor networks, satellite-based methods reduce operational costs while maintaining high reliability.


Traditional In-Situ Methods

SAR Satellite Technology


Direct physical measurement using probes, sensors, or sampling

Indirect measurement via radar backscatter

Spatial Coverage

Point-based measurements (typically 1-100 points per site)

Wide-area coverage (up to thousands of km2 per analysis)

Spatial Resolution

High at sensor location, requires interpolation between points

Consistent 10-30m (standard) or 1-3m (high-resolution) across the entire area

Temporal Coverage

Continuous data at installed locations

Periodic snapshots based on satellite revisit time (typically 6-12 days)

Historical Analysis

Limited to period since sensor installation

Can analyse historical data back to 1990s using archived satellite imagery

Weather Dependence

Most sensors function in all weather conditions

Functions in all weather conditions, day or night

Deployment Effort

High: requires physical installation, maintenance, and site access

Low: no on-site equipment installation required

Equipment Vulnerability

Subject to damage, theft, vandalism, or wildlife interference

Remote sensing with no on-site equipment

Installation Time

Days to weeks for comprehensive network deployment

Immediate start using existing satellite data

Maintenance Requirements

Regular calibration, battery replacement, data collection

No field maintenance required

Site Access Requirements

Physical access needed for installation and maintenance

No site access required

Initial Investment

$2,000 - $5,000 per sensor location + installation costs

$5,000 - $20,000 for initial analysis (area dependent)

Ongoing Costs

Maintenance, replacement, data transmission, labour

Regular monitoring subscriptions or per-analysis costs

Cost Scalability

Costs increase linearly with area coverage

Costs increase marginally with area coverage

Break-Even Point

More economical for very small areas

More economical for areas >1km2

Measurement Precision

+/- 1-3% volumetric water content (direct measurement)

Indirect via displacement: +/- 1-2mm vertical movement

Measurement Depth

Varies by method: 10cm to 2m depth

Surface movement only (inference of deeper conditions)

Real-Time Capability

Real-time data possible with telemetry

Delay based on satellite revisit + processing time (typically 1-2 days)

Best Applications

Critical point locations requiring continuous monitoring

Wide-area assessment, trend analysis, remote locations

Complementary Use

Provides ground-truth calibration points

Extends point-based data across wider areas

Note: Optimal monitoring strategies often combine both approaches, using SAR for wide-area screening and traditional sensors at critical locations identified through satellite analysis.

Applications of Soil Moisture Measurement in Infrastructure Asset Management

Railway and Road Networks

Excessive soil moisture content can lead to track deformation, embankment instability, and road subsidence. Moreover, areas of increased soil moisture may indicate poor drainage, seepage, or leaks. Continuous monitoring with SAR helps rail operators and highway authorities identify high-risk zones and schedule proactive maintenance, preventing costly service disruptions and structural failures.

Asset Type

Critical Soil Moisture Concerns

RecommendedMonitoring Approach

Key Parameters

Warning Signs

Railway Embankments

Ballast contamination, subgrade softening, slope instability

SAR + ground piezometres, baseline: 12-day SAR, enhanced: 6-day SAR + weekly sensor readings

Vertical displacement rate, lateral movement, correlation with rainfall

Progressive settlement >3mm/month, seasonal movement exceeding historical patterns, localised displacement clusters

Railway Cuttings

Slope destabilisation, clay shrink/swell, surface water ingress

SAR + inclinometres at critical slopes, optical satellite imagery (vegetation indicators)

Rotational movement, tension crack development, drainage efficiency

Movement acceleration after rainfall, step-change in displacement rate, progressive lateral displacement

Highway Embankments

Settlement, fill material saturation, erosion and piping

Combined X-band and C-band SAR, ground penetrating radar at anomalies

Settlement rate, void development, moisture content in fall

Accelerating settlement, pavement cracking patterns, moisture-related surface patterns

Bridge Approaches

Differential settlement, approach slab undermining, abutment movement

High resolution X-band SAR, corner reflectors, settlement plates

Differential movement, seasonal patterns, transition zone behaviour

Step-change in displacement, movement correlation with rainfall, progressive settlement >5mm/year

Tunnels & Underground Structures

Settlement troughs, groundwater changes, portal stability

3D SAR decomposition, piezometric array, satellite and ground combined

Surface expression of moisture changes, groundwater level variations, structural movement

Development settlement trough, asymmetric movement patterns, unexpected groundwater changes

poor drainage in rail
Increased soil moisture readings along a rail corridor could indicate poor drainage in the track. This can undermine structural integrity over time.

Tailings Storage Facilities

Tailings dams are highly sensitive to moisture changes, as excessive water content in tailings or seepage from the structure itself can compromise dam stability. SAR-based soil moisture measurement supports early warning systems, enabling tailings dam owners to take pre-emptive action before failures occur.

Asset Type

Critical Soil Moisture Concerns

RecommendedMonitoring Approach

Key Parameters

Warning Signs

Tailings Storage Facilities

Dam body saturation, foundation seepage, phreatic surface elevation

Multi-satelliteSAR, piezometer network, integration with internal instrumentation

Deformation rate, moisture content changes, beach width variations

Localised bulging, progressive crest settlement, development of wet spots, anamolous seepage

Open Pit Slopes

Pore pressure increase, slope destabilisation, bench failure progression

Corner reflector network, multi-band SAR, piezometer integration

Vector movement, acceleration trends, correlation with blasting/rainfall

Developing failure geometries, movement rate changes, new tension cracks development

Waste Rock Dumps

Basal saturation, internal erosion, slope stability

L-band and C-band SAR, optical satellite for surface indicators, thermal imaging

Creep rate, surface water patterns, temperature anomalies

Accelerating movement, development of seepage points, progressive toe bulging

Process Water Infrastructure

Embankment stability, seepage detection, foundation conditions

Regular SAR monitoring, thermal imaging, electromagnetic surveys

Structural integrity, containment effectiveness, foundation behaviour

Progressive deformation, temperature anomalies, development of wet areas

Geotechnical Engineering and Slope Stability

Soil moisture fluctuations directly influence landslide susceptibility. By integrating SAR with geotechnical models, engineers can assess potential slope failures, design mitigation strategies, and ensure the safety of infrastructure projects built on unstable terrain.

Asset Type

Critical Soil Moisture Concerns

RecommendedMonitoring Approach

Key Parameters

Warning Signs

Active Landslides

Groundwater fluctuations, slope saturation, drainage effectiveness

Multi-band SAR, corner reflectors network, integration with rain gauges

Movement rate, acceleration patterns, response to rainfall

Velocity increase after rainfall, development of new scarps, movement area expansion

Unstable Slopes

Precursor movements, drainage conditions, erosion development

L-band and C-band SAR, optical satellite for surface changes

Creep behaviour, seasonal patterns, new tension features

New displacement patterns, accelerating movement, developing failure geometry

Subsidence Zones

Groundwater withdrawal impacts, karst development, mining subsidence

Long-term SAR time series, integration with groundwater levels

Subsidence rate, spatial extent, correlation with extraction

Bowl development, linear features along faults, correlation with pumping

Expansive Clay Areas

Seasonal heave/settlement, foundation impact, utility damage

Multi-temporal SAR, soil moisture correlation

Seasonal amplitude, shrink swell/cycles, spatial distribution

Increasing amplitude, infrastructure damage patterns, changes to historical patterns

Permafrost Areas

Thaw subsidence, thermokarst development, infrastructure impacts

L-band SAR, thermal satellite imagery, long-term monitoring

Thaw settlement, seasonal effects, thermal regime

Progressive subsidence, new thermokarst features, infrastructure damage correlation

Note: These matrixes provides general guidelines. Specific monitoring programs should be developed based on site conditions, risk profile, infrastructure criticality, and available resources. Integrated monitoring approaches combining satellite and ground-based methods typically provide the most comprehensive risk management strategy.

The Future of Soil Moisture Monitoring

As satellite technology advances, the precision and reliability of soil moisture measurement will continue to improve. Emerging constellations of high-resolution radar or SAR satellites, AI-driven data analytics, and cloud-based geospatial platforms will further enhance the ability to detect, analyse, and respond to soil moisture dynamics in near real-time.

For infrastructure asset managers, adopting satellite-based soil moisture monitoring is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity for sustainable and resilient infrastructure management. By leveraging SAR and other remote sensing techniques, organisations can enhance decision-making, reduce maintenance costs, and improve the safety and longevity of critical infrastructure assets.

soil moisture analysis conducted by Geofem

soil moisture measurement conducted by Geofem

Unlock the power of satellite remote sensing for soil moisture measurement - contact Geofem today to learn how we can support your infrastructure monitoring needs.


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