Rail Landslip Detection
Hook - United Kingdom
A section of the main rail line between Basingstoke and London suffered a sizeable collapse in January 2023, having a major impact on services.The 44-metre-long landslip, which occurred near Hook in Hampshire, undermined a track, leaving only the London-bound tracks safe to use.

Despite the line being reopened over one month later, the disruption cost Network Rail heavily due to the incident occurring on one of the busiest rail lines in the country.The infrastructure stakeholders spent weeks and thousands of pounds repairing the landslip adjacent to the London-bound lines. A far more cost-effective and preventative approach could have been implemented to identify and address the impending landslip proactively before it occurred.
Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis of satellite radar data can provide millimetric ground displacement readings in all weather conditions. Moreover, SAR analysis is the only method that allows analysts to go back in time, and factor in historical displacement data in susceptibility analysis.
Had rail stakeholders implemented satellite data analysis into their maintenance and remediation plan, the impending landslip at Hook could have been detected and addressed before the costly failure occurred.
​Want to learn more? Contact Geofem today to discover how InSAR can support your geotechnical needs.​​